Feng Shui tips from Bryan Law

Bryan Law Author, Consultant and Educator

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Three Common Things to Avoid

You may think you do not need good luck to boost your career or make you rich because you believe in your own ability in getting them. However, you may not want bad luck to come to you and bring you unfortunate events such as illness, litigation or divorce.

In order to keep the bad luck away, you should:

1. Not use any light fixture that consists of 2, 3, or 5 light bulbs.

In Flying Stars theory, the stars #2, #3 and #5 represent bad luck. The #3 is bad, #2 is worse and the worst one is #5. In order not to attract these 3 stars to your home, you should not put anything that represents 2, 3 or 5. Light fixtures are hung to the ceiling and it is the easiest way to attract the stars from above. Therefore, you should not use any light fixture that consists of 5 light bulbs, 2 bulbs or 3 bulbs. Since both stars #2 and #5 are Earth in nature and light fixtures are Fire, the Fire nature will boost the Earth nature.  Having a light with 2 or 5 light bulbs will very likely attract these two stars.

If you use pot lights or spotlights, the number of light bulbs will depend on how many light bulbs you can control using that switch. Moreover, since both stars #2 and #5 represent Earth in the 5 Elements, you should not place too many Earth items at homes, such as fine china, ceramics and potteries.

2. Not place a sink opposite or next to a stove.

A sink represents Water and a stove represents Fire. Placing them together will create health problems for you and there will be many quarrels among family members. By the same token, a centre island with a sink is not good at all since it will be facing your stove no matter where you put the stove. Similarly, a centre stove is not good in Feng Shui as it will face a sink in one of the four directions.

3. Have a clean and neat bathroom.

A dripping faucet means that money is leaving your home. You should always fix a dripping faucet as soon as possible. Bathrooms should always be kept clean and dry. You should install an exhaust fan to take out bad odours and excess moisture. Both bathrooms and moisture are Yin in nature, excessive moisture will add too much Yin to the home.

Bad odour coming from the sinks is a kind of Sha (bad Qi) and should be eliminated. The bad odour from sinks is generated by the bacteria inside the U-trap of the pipe. The best method to eliminate that bad odour is to pour a pot of boiling water into the drain to kill the bacteria.

More advice can be obtained by consulting a Feng Shui expert. Good Luck!

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