Feng Shui Courses - online and classroom

Bryan Law Author, Consultant and Educator

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Feng Shui Courses


I provide tailor-fit Feng Shui classes to individuals and corporations, including homemakers, designers, builders and other professionals.  There is no minimum class requirement; we provide one-on-one teaching.  If you would like a Feng Shui course that fits your need, please contact me for details.  Below are some standard courses, either online or in the classroom.


Feng Shui 123 for Office and Residence


Feng Shui Basics for Realtors


Feng Shui 123 for Real Estate Registrants


Feng Shui 101


To the best of our knowledge, we guarantee that all information on this site is sincere representations of Feng Shui. However, we make no claim for absolute effectiveness and are not responsible or liable in any manner in respect of the results of any action taken or not taken in reliance upon information in this website and our consultations.


This website is setup and used on the basis and understanding that the authors are to be under no responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof.


Copyright © Bryan Law